Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Moving out of the fast lane

Hello Friends.

This one will be short and sweet! Life indeed has been a fast lane since my last post. We moved into our new house, moved our offices to new space, cleaned out of our apartment, my students had annual recital (which is a week of late nights), my son had 5K orientation (gasp!). Oh but wait, we are not out of it all yet. We are helping to host a pig roast at my MIL's this coming weekend (Husband and BIL will roast the pig) and then we go on vacation after Memorial Day.

Questions of the day? How do you like your new house? Love it! Are you getting settled? No.....one needs to be home in order to devote time to settling. We still have lots of boxes in the basement. We have found the essentials and can get to work dressed and presentable but don't ask me where a strainer is in the kitchen! But it is ours, and it seems HUGE. (It's not!) There are sooo many windows and the light just comes through all day long. So does the breeze when the windows are open. LOVE IT!

Not much else going on, I have been reading posts during downtime but just didn't have anything to say. I have barely been on Facebook and the only way I've been keeping up with emails is via my Blackberry.

I hope this finds you all well, and I promise to write again soon. Though that may be after our trip to Florida. Pray the beaches in Florida are not oil soaked!!!!!!!! We booked our flight in Jan to take J to experience the beach and spend time with my bestie but we may be doing alot of hanging by the pool. Stupid BP!!!!

Have a great day!

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