Monday, March 28, 2011

Pumping and my real life gummy bear

Hi all,

Things are good here.  Back to work has made life hectic.  Seriously, I need 2 more hours in every day.  Then we might have clean cloths to wear - ok its not that bad - maybe we would have dry cloths to wear!

Z  will be 10 weeks old on Thursday and is doing very well at the sitters - he takes bottles from her (sucks them down she says), refuses from me (why would I need a bottle from you mommy?) and reluctantly takes them from Husband (just take me to mommy he cries) only taking enough to get him through until I get home.  Lets just say they are both glad when I get there.  Mind you, as a nursing mommy, I only leave when I have to.  Other than work when he is at the sitters, I teach dance on Monday nights and Saturday morning so am gone for about 3 hours each time.

Surprisingly, I have been able to mostly keep up with pumping at work.  I had to supplement (by mixing in formula) for the first few days and then I hit a schedule at work and have been able to maintain it.  The sitter supplemented a bit when he suddenly went from 2oz to 3oz and very quickly to 4oz in every bottle.  This experience is so different from when J was a baby, my daily schedule was all over the place then so finding a pumping time that was consistent was next to impossible.  He was supplemented during the day a lot. I just buckled down, and did my best able to nurse at night and in the mornings until he was 10 months old.  Now, I go into the training room of our office, close the door (it doesn't lock), put a post it on the door saying "Mommy duties, please knock", and the office of mostly men steer very clear.  Im hoping to continue this as long as I can, but wont stress if I cant as J turned out just fine and he got waaaay less breast milk from me.

I will say thank goodness for smart phones, I can pump, keep up with personal emails, Facebook, and (must stay up on pop culture!).

Remember back in June when I was first pregnant and Dr VF called him a gummy bear?  Well I took this pic yesterday afternoon and it made me think of that statement.

Gotta go get some work done.  Have a great week everyone!


  1. So very cute! Where did you get that adorable outfit?!

  2. Thanks! My sister gave it to us for Christmas. She used to work for BabyGap (in fact J was a very well dressed boy because of his Auntie) and she still falls prey every now and again.

    It is the softest, most snuggly outfit ever. A bit impractical as it buttons instead of zips (a wiggly baby needs a quick entrance and exit from all extra clothing)and babies aren't really supposed to be in snowsuits in their car seats, but it is the cutest darned thing ever. I think I am going to have Z's 3month pics taken in it.

  3. Thank you so much for the commment you left and the advise on the body pillow. I definitely want to look into getting one. I've heard they are heavenly. You little one is adorable. I love the outfit.
