Friday, February 14, 2014

Neglectful, regretful.....busy busy life

Hello Friends.

Oh how I am neglectful. I haven't written since SEPTEMBER!  Seriously, WTH is wrong with me?  Oh that's right, our little hamster wheel of life just keeps spinning and there is NO time. Ex: I didn't eat dinner (a bowl of avocado and sliced tomato followed up with peanut butter toast and chocolate milk) until like 10 last night.  Don't worry the boys were fed....I just didn't have time, and never sat down until then.

So how are the growing pains in our house.  Better than ever! I think I may have to bullet point this catch up....(pics if available)

  • We attended Husbands Grandmothers 100th birthday celebration in November.  100 years friends!!  Amazing, she is amazing.  We got to spend time with many of Husbands extended family from all over the country.  So nice to reconnect and introduce our boys to some of them.  Love this pic!

  • Thanksgiving was just as it should be.  Family, food and a nice long weekend. 
  • We had a delightful Christmas, spent with the ones we love.  Gifts were carefully selected and we tried not to over do it this year.  Everyone seems happy.  
  • New years was spent overeating at my sister-in-laws.  A yummy tradition we all enjoy.  The kids get to see their cousins, we all get to eat and visit. 
  • J turned 9!  He is such a sweet boy, but he is growing up fast.  He got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and can usually be found either reading on it or playing games.  He is doing well in school, loving on Math and Science.  His school became an Integrated Arts school this year; art is part of most every lesson!  I LOVE IT!   (Pic is from A.ppleb.ees birthday dinner - he was feeling shy and I got ZERO pics with his hands away from his face - mom fail)
  • Z turned 3!  He is also just a sweet boy.  He often greats us with an enthusiastic, "Mama (or Dat or Jaja), I missed you!" and a huge hug.  Love.  He is still a whirlwind of energy, but has will slow down  to cuddle and I so love that.  He was dismissed from the Birth to Three Program for Speech Therapy due to his age and the School District has taken over.  He happily goes with his sitter to "Speech School" twice a week. (pic in green shirt is from first day) He has had a speech explosion and is talking ALL. THE. TIME.!  Its wonderful.......and exhausting! Potty slowly happening; sort of as he decides pressure here. He goes a few times a day on the toilet but is often wet.  We will get there.  
  • We are struggling through this long, cold, craptacular winter.   Its just too cold to play outside.  Im sick of bundling up, dressing warm, hats mittens boots, YUK! We have had school closed several times, and we even worked from home one of those days.  Husband on the PC in the living room, me on a laptop in the family room, the boys....everywhere, the house, destroyed.  Here is a hot cocoa break  and an unattended boy surfing on the couch pillow.  Thank goodness that pic was taken at 5pm...cant imagine what would have happened after that!

Well that is a high level overview....we are doing well.  I hope you all are too.  I log in and read blogs almost every day if not, then every day or so....Stay well, Stay safe, Stay warm!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. First, I hate potty training! Second, omg, love your boy's school! I mean, really, art in every lesson??!! Super cool. Third, "hamster wheel of life" made me lol. It perfectly describes my life. Glad to see you back in this space :)

  2. Shawn! I've had you on my mind for weeks now, so glad you posted! I loved your description of this winter, craptacular for sure! Your boys are so handsome and growing so quickly. Glad to hear Z is talking more; good for him! Take care friend. Keep writing.
