I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted. We have been super busy and and yet status quo all at the same time. The weather in Wisconsin has been unbelievably, unseasonably warm -around 80 for several days now. We have been playing outside- a lot. Husband has been grilling out just about anything he can think of and its yummy. This is March in Wisconsin people! This is weird! And I love it. I am a bit afraid that it will snow again, because this is just too good to be true, but in the meantime I am happily going out of the house in the morning with only a light jacket and coming home with out one.
Here are a few pics from the first evening we were able to play outside - about a week ago now. It seemed so nice that day but it was only about 65. (hahaha that sounds so funny.)
As many of you know, my dad has horses and is very generous with sharing them. One of them is much older and in the last two years had some knee issues so we stopped asking him to support adult weight but he is perfect for a small boy eager to learn, so he became J's horse. J was introduced to Bear when he was very young, 18 months I think. Here is my favorite pic from one of their first meetings.
J's first ride - 2006.
One of J's last rides - Sept 2011
On St Patrick's day Bear was not eating and seemed lethargic on Saturday so the vet was called. It was determined that the 29 year old, former champion roping horse was in heart failure. My dad has always said he animals will never suffer so Bear was euthanized. And then, on Sunday morning, I had to tell J that his beautiful, amazing, horse had to go to Heaven. He cried immediately, then settled down and I explained a bit more about his heart and that we didn't want him to suffer. He had more tears, with beautiful innocent statements like, "he was so special, I want my Bear back. I know I can ride Cinnamon mom, but there won't ever be another horse as good as him" I think my heart broke a bit. Because he is right, and his sadness is so pure.
To give you an idea of how great he was, a friend of my dads wrote this in an email: "I've worked with lots of horses over the years but there will only be one Bear. He surely was a wonderful animal and gently introduced lots of people to the world of horsemanship. How could you ask more from a good horse who always did his job? He became a family treasure and I know you will all miss him." My dad put on Facebook, "Bear had many good qualities like patience, obedience, and gentleness. That is what distinguished him and made him so special. He was the one horse that I could confidently put my 5 year old grandson on and be reasonably sure that everything would go well. That is saying a lot!"
Enjoy the ride in the sky, Bear. You are already missed!
Now, anyone want to take bets on how fast my dad buys a new kid friendly horse? He really enjoyed riding with J and sharing that love of horsemanship with him. I would be shocked if we get to winter and the horse count is not back up to 3! Fine with me! Its time to introduce Z to the sport.