Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Hello friends.

What the heck!  Its the end of November.  This year has flown by.  I'm in shock.

Ok - so last week both my boys had awesome accomplishments and I wanted to share.

We signed J up for Tae Kwon Do through our rec department in the fall.  He has been going for 5 weeks now.  Last week was testing week.  He had a drill he had learned and he had to break a board. And break one he did!  Here is video.  Apparently, he and another boy were the only ones to be offered the thickest boards to break.  Check out his proud face at the end!

Not to be outdone, this video of Z was taken on midweek last week.  He didn't turn 10 months old till Sunday.  He is much better every day.

My life is full of things I am thankful for, but mostly these two healthy growing thriving boys.  Have a fantastic holiday everyone.